Monday, June 16, 2014

April 10th

Day 10: Appreciation April
{Day 41: Mending March}
[Day 69: Fitness February]
(Day 100 No Junk Food January)

Woah, that’s getting to be a long title, haha! DAY ONE HUNDRED!! YES!! Lol cannot contain my excitement! I’m so happy and so thankful for so many things… for once I’m at a loss for words. One hundred days of healthier eating (ya, there were a few slip ups in there); sixty-nine da...ys of doing at least a twenty minute workout five days a week; forty-one days of deep thinking and rediscovery of life and self; ten days of appreciation for all that I have, all that I’ve gained over this time and all that I have to give to others. How does it feel… AMAZING!

Just taking the time to dedicate a small part of your life to something greater is a wonderful reward. As you start seeing the impact it has on those around you, you feel a deeper motivation to continue your dedicated route. An amazing faith and confidence builds up inside you. Suddenly, no objective in life is unobtainable! No, it doesn’t happen overnight and No, you can’t just sit on the couch at wait for it. It takes work and perseverance everyday- but that’s the funny thing about change, it won’t happen unless you make the effort.

As mentioned earlier, in honor of Appreciation April I’m going through all my clothes this weekend. Whatever is in good shape will be donated. Next up is going to be a fun Pay it Forward idea I had… I’ll post it once I have it all together. Also during this month I’m not watching T.V. on the weekdays. It sucks, especially when you see that ‘record’ light on the DVR, haha! It has been great though to take some quite time with Kora and read lots and lots of books! Appreciate the little things It’s still early in the month- so I’m keeping my heart and mind open to any appreciation opportunity.

The end of this ‘journey’ is only twenty-five days away now! I can’t believe how the time has flown by! Looking at it in the positive light though, it’s still just the beginning of the journey! I have started the path to that something wonderful!

As always, thank you! It is with a grateful heart that I have been able to share my journey on here… and it’s kept me on track!

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