Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30th

Day 30: Journey Continued June 
(Day 61: Made it May, Day 91: Appreciation April, Day 122: Mending March, Day 150: Fitness February, Day 181: No Junk Food January)
Between tomorrow and the day after- I am half through the year of my journey experiment!  I’m pretty excited that for the most part, for over 180 DAYS I have done my best to stay true to myself and my goals.  With July looming over my head just a few hours away, I’m still undecided on what the goal should be.  I’ve polled Facebook as usual and the best… but the WORST, is Jogging July.  Nothing better than 90 degree days jogging in humidity you can cut with a knife.  But on the flip side, what a goal to achieve that would be!!  We’ll see haha! 
Most of my goals and achievements have been set to force myself to go beyond what I thought my limits were.  I’ve noticed, especially as I’ve gotten older, that life can be a little mundane and repetitive.  We get up, go to work, eat, relax, sleep… rinse, wash, and repeat.  We crave something more, but we don’t know what it is we want.  My own personal experience has led me to feel it is CHANGE!  Doesn’t have to be a big change- these little, silly goals are that exact change my life was in need of.  I can’t share enough the overall transformation of myself physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. 
Sadly, the fear of failure often holds us back.  I know it sure held me back!  The problem there is that most of our dreams and desires go undiscovered because of our fears…  woah!  Trust me; I haven’t 100% of the time stuck to my diet plan and goals.  Does that mean I’ve failed?  NO!  The fact that I realize my error and correct my ways keeps me on the track I need to be on to succeed.  In my opinion, I will only fail if I give up my passions, internalize my feelings, and/or/but not limited to lose the faith, trust, and confidence I have built up with in myself over these past six months.  So, eat the ice cream!  …and then do some sit ups! ;-)  All of life in a special balance.
So tomorrow is a new month and another day.  181 days taken day by day, 184 more days to go!  As always I’m grateful to share this journey with you all!  Thank you for the motivation to continue and the chance to inspire!

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