Monday, June 16, 2014

April 30th

Day 30: Appreciation April
{Day 61: Mending March}
[Day 89: Fitness February]
(Day 120: No Junk Food January)

So the daily Bible devotion verse is kind of perfect for the thoughts I’d like to share today… “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13

There are several things that I have noticed while on this journey that are undeni...ably linked together. My own personal journey began a few years ago, renewing my faith with God which began to instill a hope and passion inside of me. This hope and passion introduced the perseverance needed to begin to make the changes this year to my body, mind, and soul. The changing of my body, mind and soul has impacted my social life, my financial status, and my general life goals and dreams.

I know it’s not the same for everyone, but if you can put positivity into your life at least ninety percent of the time, that positivity starts coming back to you. We want so much and we will go out of our way (i.e. putting ourselves in debt, weakening friendships, ignoring what is right…) just to get what we want. Maybe it’s time to sit back a bit, stop trying to drive our own lives at this manic make haste pace, and let God have a chance at the wheel. I’ve realized lately the greatest things have come to me when I simply ask for what He feels I need. It’s revolutionary! You are no longer disappointed by what you don’t have and you find yourself even more grateful for what you do have. Count your blessings, not your desires.

I would have never thought in December of last year that I’d be sitting here writing this, feeling just about the best I ever have… Fifty plus pounds lighter and so many blessings in my life! My journey and faith have given me the strength I very much needed to begin my third decade of life. If I wouldn’t have ‘let go’ these much needed changes would have never taken place. Yes it took a lot of work, yes it took a long time, yes it wasn’t always easy, but I have faith every day and that faith has brought me more than I could have ever bought or asked for!

I foresee more positive changes ahead and I pray daily for direction on them. As always, I am thankful and grateful to be able to share this journey with all of you!

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